By using OneNote Class Notebooks to replace printed resources in a Key Stage 2 class, a school can save enough money to pay for 1 to 1 devices.
Working with St John Fisher Catholic Primary School we have identified that the money spent on printed resources and staff time to produce these, could actually fund a Windows 10 device per child.

OneNote Class Notebooks
If a Year 5 student receives 6-10 printed resources each day, with 30% of these being in colour, the average spend per class is £100 per week. Over the school year this was £3,800.
If a Windows 10 device costs £250, the cost for a class of 30 students is £7,500. When spread over a 3-year lease this costs £2,500 per year. That’s £1,300 less than the printing cost per year.
And there were other advantages too…
The teacher found they saved nearly 6 hours a week. Time that was typically lost to printing, cutting out, gluing or distributing worksheets.
Using OneNote, marking and providing feedback became quicker and easier, with the ability to respond with recorded messages or handwritten notes, creating a more personal experience for the student.
A spelling test no longer had to be the same either, the teacher could quickly differentiate the learning for individual students.
The teacher also observed an increased engagement in learning and the natural development of digital literacy among the students.
If a teacher spends 6 hours a week preparing printed resources, the average cost to a primary school is £4,560 per teacher, per year.